Please find below details regarding registration and tuition fees

Conformity between the Purchaser and Yorkshire Martial Arts Ltd

1)        I consent to pay Yorkshire Martial Arts Ltd a monthly tuition fee of £30 with a registration fee of £79.

2)        I understand that the tuition fee above will not change for the initial 12 months of membership. Once this period has lapsed this fee may increase in line with the Academy’s fees at that time.

3)        I understand that termination of instruction can be issued by Yorkshire Martial Arts Ltd should I/the student disobey Codes of Conduct within the Academy.

4)        I understand there is no refund policy for missed tuition.

5)        I understand the above registration fee is for annual membership, licence, one academy uniform and one white belt and does not include graduations, courses, events or products from the Academy shop.

6)        I understand that as an active member of Yorkshire Martial Arts Ltd, individual named insurance is provided free of charge and that a copy of the insurance certificate is available on request.

7)        I understand that membership is renewable annually and must be active whilst this agreement is in force.

8)        I agree to inform Yorkshire Martial Arts Ltd of any changes to personal or bank account information.

9)        I understand that should I wish to cancel my agreement then provided that all fees (monthly tuition fees, payments for goods/services, pre-booked events, annual fees etc.) are paid in full with no monies owed that the one month additional payment noted in my agreement will be waived. I further understand that no refund of any fees already paid will be issued.

10)    I accept that only official Yorkshire Martial Arts Ltd branded clothing and personal protection equipment (PPE), or equipment purchased from YMA should be worn during classes, graduations and other Yorkshire Martial Arts Ltd events.

11)    By paying the registration fee of £79 I understand that I am agreeing to the terms and conditions of membership above. Payment can be made via our online shop

 Reference: student name